A Brief Life History

Aloysius Gonzaga was the eldest son of Marquis Ferdinand of
Gonzaga,Duke of
Montana,Prince of the Holy Roman Empire,He was born in the year... More+

NSS ( National Service Scheme )


             The NSS in the School aims at a complete personality development of students. Under this club the students along with the teachers incharge work to arrive at a deeper understanding of social reality in India today.They acquire the quality of democratic attitude. They identify the needs and problems of the community and involve themselves in conducting various programs to help them. Tree plantation, medical camps, various rallies to create public awareness and other programs initiated by the CBSE are taken up by the NSS students. Regular Camps are organised for their training keeping in touch with the changing scenario. NSS helps them to become sensitive to the needs of the society and the poor. It helps them in the long run to become good students and citizens of the country at large.